In this episode, we are thrilled to have Dan Goldstein, SMS Partner Manager at Klaviyo, joining us. With his extensive expertise, Dan will guide us through the ins and outs of leveraging email and SMS marketing to skyrocket your BFCM success. Get ready for a knowledge-packed podcast filled with invaluable tips and tricks. Stay tuned and make sure not to miss out!
Ramin: [00:00:00] Hello everybody. Welcome to episode 24 of the E-Commerce Revolution podcast. It is great to have everybody here live. We are live on LinkedIn, as we have been in the past Facebook, YouTube, and now we're throwing Twitter into the mix. Why not? Twitter is going through a big change and We wanna make sure we include our podcast live on that platform as well.
As always once the recording is finished, the live well, once the, the live version is finished, the recording will be available for replay on all of those channels, including we will be pushing it up to all of the pod audio podcast networks as well. So thanks very much for tuning in. My name is Ramin.
I am the host. I'm also one of the managing partners at SKU Agency, that's SKU agency. So, are we ready? Let's get this thing started.
Nothing like a little thumping music to get you excited for Monday morning. Usually we don't do these [00:01:00] podcasts on Monday, but I kind of like this, this gets me excited and energized to kick off the week. So today we're gonna be talking about a fantastic topic and we are about to embark on a phenomenal journey into the world of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Also known as B F C M, which is right around the corner. That is the Thanksgiving the Friday after Thanksgiving, and then the Monday after Thanksgiving as well. So it has become, you know, a very traditional time in the world of e-commerce to captivate, you know, your audience, pull them in, get as many sales as you can.
And now, by the way, it's also leading into cyber Monday week or cyber week. So there's a lot to unpack here, and we've brought on a phenomenal guest. I first got a chance to meet our guests back in Santa Monica, California. A couple, maybe about a, maybe about a month ago. And just a wealth, wealth of knowledge.
I mean, I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation and I said, we, we've gotta have him on. There's, there's no doubt about it. He is [00:02:00] really just gonna bring this topic. And he was actually giving a presentation at the event that I was at on Black Friday in Cyber Monday, specific to sms, but he was working in email as well.
So he is going to really bring that knowledge that we all desire this time of year to help us grow our sales. Our guest is also, just so you know, a serial entrepreneur with two successful exits under his belt and he's traveled the world competing and reporting on eSports. So we've gotta unpack that a little bit too.
We always like to know a little bit more about our guest. He's now the SMS partner manager at our favorite email and SMS platform. And we, you know, no we love. Klaviyo. So he is at Klaviyo. We love Klaviyo. Klaviyo is a phenomenal tool. If you haven't used Klaviyo, I encourage you to go to Klaviyo, K L A V I Y O, and sure, Dan will tell us all about his journey at Klaviyo.
So without any further ado, please welcome Dan Goldstein to the E-Commerce Revolution [00:03:00] podcast. Dan, it is great to have you here, and I meant it. I enjoyed that conversation in Santa Monica. It was awesome.
Dan Goldstein: Yes, Ramin, thank you so much for having me here. I had an absolute blast in Santa Monica that was such an incredible event and I thought that we were able to cover just so much ground in our conversations, starting with s m s leading into a number of different topics.
And I'm just so pumped to be here. I love, love, love Black Friday, cyber Monday, cyber Weekend, cyber Week, maybe Cyber month at some point in the future, whatever it is. I love talking about it. Love talking about sms. Thank you guys so much for having me here. Of course, of course. And
Ramin: you're right, probably it will become cyber month a couple years from now.
So it is just gonna keep stretching and stretching and then all of those numbers that we were talking about ahead of the show, nobody's ever gonna pin down exactly how much money people are making. Could it be cyber week? Could it be cyber month? Could it be the four days of of Black Friday through cyber monday ?
Who knows? Who knows, right? But there are billions and billions of dollars being transacted [00:04:00] online, so it is a very important time. I mean, the history of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. A lot of history there. Obviously a time for retailers to really grow their business in online, especially, especially.
But before we jump into Black Friday and Cyber Monday, I've gotta ask you some more questions about your entrepreneurial journey to exits that have eventually led you to the world of Klaviyo. Tell us a little bit about that. What, what, what? Give us some background.
Dan Goldstein: Yeah, so my background is definitely.
Interesting, right. To say the least. It was, it started traditional, right? So going to, you know, four year university right outta high school. But midway through that and you know, we have a family full of different entrepreneurs, people that own their own businesses, nice things of that nature. Midway through school, I thought, you know, I'm just, I'm struggling here.
I feel like I have some other things that I could do as well. So what I did is I actually moved back up to Massachusetts. I was down at at Auburn in Alabama. So [00:05:00] from Massachusetts down to Alabama, back up to mass. Right. Definitely very different there for a number of different reasons. Mm-hmm. I learned so much down there that I was able to bring up back home.
So I was working in my dad's store, dad's business. We had a former ware store, tuxedos. Oh wow. The whole thing. Yeah. He owned it for 40 years and I was doing that and on the side as well. When he was trying to retire, I was trying to find ways to sell off excess merchandise. Oh. So what we did is we leveraged, you know, different things like Shopify or mm-hmm.
I think at the time we were using, I can't even remember what hosting website we were using, but that is really where I learned how to, you know, go through the, just the web Yeah. Of e-commerce and the web of being able to sell online. And from there I was hooked. Right. I was also working in the gaming industry, so I was reporting on eSports mainly Call of Duty, Fortnite.
Wow. Also reported on things like legal legends and Counter Strike [00:06:00] go. So I was doing all of these different things at once, but. Everything together. Mm-hmm. A mix of everything together really just brought me to the internet and the world of online business and e-commerce and just being able to leverage these incredible tools that we all have access to in some way to then, you know, potentially make a better future for myself, family, everything.
Yeah. Nature. The classic origin story. Wow. But you know, going from there, we've worked in, I mean, I've sold everything under the sun, right? So we had a different hat brand, we did paid media advertising, we had a small little micro agency, you know, we were selling like snow equipment, all these different types of things.
Wow. I have been. If it's an industry, I've probably been involved with it.
Ramin: You are really, and, and you know, your passion comes through. I, I can, you know, yeah. Again, as when we first met, I said, you know, you are very passionate about the internet. You're very passionate about marketing and, [00:07:00] and I love that your, your father tasked you essentially, it sounds like too.
Listen, let's figure out a digital component. Let's unload product. You know where we need to, but this is on you, Dan. Go figure it out. Yes. Get back to me. And I love, I love the tuxedo business. Actually spent a lot of time had a previous business before SKU where I, you know, interacted a lot with the wedding industry and, and yes.
So studied the, the, the tuxedo industry and gone through a lot of changes. And when digital came in, it became a very big deal. So, good, good job on, on getting that. And I'm sure the family was very appreciative of your, of, of what you did. And is that tuxedo business still around? So
Dan Goldstein: it actually is still around.
It is just not in our family anymore. It was called Keysers. It was a staple of, yeah. Cambridge, Wright, Harvard, m i t. Mm-hmm. So I got, you know, all the, all the, the college stuff, I got the wedding stuff, you know, around us, lots of bar mitzvahs, things of that nature. So, you know, I was never without a a good fitting suit and or tux for an event.
But [00:08:00] yeah, it actually was just recently or. I guess relatively recently, last five or so years sold, but luckily still has the same name still in Cambridge today. Awesome. Really cool to grow up with something so unique that led me to where I am today. I
Ramin: love it. And you know what, I feel like we should have you come back and we just talk about eSports, because I know that's such a strong area.
Maybe I'll have my son, my 12 year old come on and interview you. Okay. Cause he, you know, should, yeah. He's very passive passionate. So is my nine year old son. He, they can come on, they can ask you all the questions about that side of the world. That, that's very cool. And I always love to hear, you know, about entrepreneurial journeys that lead people to, you know, bigger companies like Klaviyo and taking all that knowledge that you, you attained during that time period.
And really, you know, I mean, Klaviyo should be, you know, I, I'm sure they're grateful for that because you've been in that world that real, that you've been on the other side, as they say, working it. So, yes. That's great. That's great. Absolutely. Let's dive into Black [00:09:00] Friday and Cyber Monday and really get into the, the meat of the topic of why, and it's literally right around the corner when we're talking, you know, what almost a month and a few days away maybe maybe thir 30 days, 35 days or so.
Yeah. But it is not too late. You know, and I think, you know, you know, I know, you know, we, at the agency when we plan, we're planning with our clients, you know, out in September, generally early September, we're really starting to talk about it. You were obviously speaking at that event in September, but it, you know, I wanna just stress that, you know, it is not too late for e-commerce business owners to take advantage of what's going on and really leverage and, and get some sales.
So let me, let me ask you a few questions. You know, in, in this world, I mean, we know that. E-commerce business owners have, you know, that top of the funnel, you know, they have a lot of, you know, work that they have marketing levers essentially, that they have to pull to bring that traffic in. Why should they be using email and SMS on top of all of those other elements [00:10:00] like paper click advertising and social and et cetera, and all of those?
Why should email and s m s be important to them right now? Yeah,
Why Use Email & SMS For BFCM?
Dan Goldstein: this is a great question and it's a question that I get all the time, right? And you know, a lot of the agencies or clients I'm speaking to may already be leveraging email. Mm-hmm. And it's more so why sms? Yeah. But in terms of why email and SMS together, it really comes back to, in my opinion, One of the most important things is just that owned data, that zero party data when it comes to, you know, some other types of pay per click advertising, or maybe we're focusing in on different types of social media sites or anything of that nature.
There are a lot of different factors that come into play that we have to be aware of when we're trying to go with it. Right. So for pay per click advertising, different times a year, it can get way more expensive to use than other times. Right? Sure. When it comes to leveraging some sort of social media algorithm mm-hmm.
You are at the mercy of that algorithm, right. There are [00:11:00] times where you can post new material and you just kind of have to hope that your subscribers, your users see it. However, when it comes to email and sms, those are two channels that you as the business, you as the client, you as the agency, you own those, so you are able to leverage that data and that communication in.
Any way you see fit. So you control when your message goes out to a consumer. You control what message they see, when they see it, and just really, you can take all of that data back together and leverage it even further. And that's one of the biggest reasons why I personally love Klaviyo so much, is that we are so data driven and we want you to use that data that you own once again.
Mm-hmm. I'll always touch on this. Mm-hmm. That data that you own to better yourself, better your clients, right. Better your agency, whatever it may be. Mm-hmm. And we truly believe that that owned data, that zero party data, that owned [00:12:00] revenue is so vital. For using, you know, for leveraging e-commerce mess in this ever-changing world.
Ramin: Sure, sure. No, I mean, and we, you know, touch on that topic a lot. I mean, it is, it is vital. You know, we talk about the cookie list future and all of these elements that are you know, creeping up every day and becoming more and more important to to e-commerce business owners. But you know, black Friday and Cyber Monday, you know, there was a.
Pile of traffic generally for most businesses coming in the door. So that world of email and SMS kinda working hand in hand, capturing that, that data that you don't own yet, right? You don't own that data coming in through the, you know, top of the funnel. You paid for it, you got it there, but now if you can get that person.
To sign up for email and sms, that's when you're gonna own it. And that's what I think you're trying to make sure that get that point across is that that's how, that is why those two, you know, that is why email and SMS has to work with the world of paper click advertising [00:13:00] and other marketing initiatives that are out there.
Dan Goldstein: Yes. No, absolutely. And that's, you know, it's just, it's one of those things where, again, right, the world is ever changing. As we see different privacy changes, different algorithm changes, and you know, when you're able to also leverage email and SMS just to potentially get new subscribers. So lever, like, you know, leaning into your existing subscribers to ask for referrals, ask for reviews, that's when you can continue to really reap the benefits of growing your list, whether that's email, s m s, both together, anything of that nature.
Let's lean into that and really continue to make it work for us. That's great.
Ramin: That's great. Well just, you know, speaking of all that traffic, and you know, when we say all that traffic, assuming that you know, e-commerce merchants are driving a lot of traffic through paid ads and, you know, you leveraging their social and, and again, this is well where email and SMS capture comes in.
Mm-hmm. You know, what, what are some of the strategies that brands, I mean, should they be capturing? You know, [00:14:00] the goal really is to sell right. During this time period as much as possible. And when you see a popup, and we know popups can be very effective mm-hmm. To grab email nests, but they can also be a distraction sometimes to the shopping experience.
Right. The full shopping. How, how should brands look at. You know, email and SMS capture during this time period.
How Should Brands Look At Email And SMS Capture During BFCM?
Dan Goldstein: Great question. And you know, there are, there are a couple different right answers that you can go with here. I would say that any of these would typically work, but to really bring it into perspective, right?
When it comes to that email and SMS capture. Yes. Even though a pop-up might, you know, interfere with the shopping experience just from, you know, you go to the website. It pops right up right when you get there, and then you think, okay, what do I do next? What I like to say when it comes to email collection or SMS collection during this time is to leverage your different types of form properties and your different types of targeting.
So whether that's saying, Hey, I. You know, someone comes onto our [00:15:00] website, we're not gonna send them a popup for maybe, I don't know, six to eight seconds instead of sending it right up front so they have some time to look around. We can maybe have it so that the popup is leveraged during, you know, say if someone is looking to maybe exit out of the page, we try and catch them there.
There are a number of different ways that we can just take our typical pop-up strategy that we might have during the remainder of the year and just adjust it in a couple different ways. And of course, you know, let's say if we don't wanna leverage pop-ups, maybe we do a fly out instead from the side of the screen that can.
Maybe not interfere as much with the screen and you know, as much with your actual website presence. But of course on top of that, we could also leverage some sort of m embed. So whether that's an, you know, an em, am embed at the top of the of the website or at the very bottom in the footer, whatever it may be, that is probably the least distracting.
Mm-hmm. But when it comes to all these other types of email and s m s collection, you know, there are other ways that we can go through than just [00:16:00] leveraging some sort of popup. Right. Hmm. I know that we mentioned, and I might speak about this a little bit later on, just. Based on time, but mm-hmm. When it comes to sms, we can do things like leveraging keyword join or join keywords.
Right? Nice. So when someone texts certain phrase or whatever it may be to a specific number, that's a really quick way to do some sort of email collection or SMS collection, right? We can leverage our email list and go ahead and ask people to sign up for SMS just through an email, right? We can target people that aren't already signed up.
So I guess long story short is that there are a number of different ways to go about email collection, SMS collection, and the thing is, you know, I. Even though we are trying to drive those sales mm-hmm. Even though we are trying to ensure that we're getting new types of revenue in mm-hmm. We also wanna make sure that we are, you know, collecting and then leveraging those new subscribers for maybe later on in Bfcm.
Mm-hmm. Or even in early December where people might be doing some [00:17:00] last chance shopping. Yeah.
Ramin: Or even into the next year when Yeah. You're, you're gonna absolutely need and you're gonna wish that you had captured as many people as you can possibly capture during this very busy time of the year. So No, tho those are, yes.
And those are great tips. I mean, just, you know, anybody who's listening to this on a replay just, you know, rewind, you know, go back listen to those because in there are nuggets on how to do it, but how to do it effectively so you're not. Compromising your sales. Mm-hmm. But at the same time, you're doing a good job of making sure you're capturing what you should be, because you are gonna have more traffic than you've ever had during the entire year.
Right? Yes, absolutely. No, that's great. What you know, I just before we jump in to talk about, you know, flows and flows and campaigns is, is there anything you've seen that's been just, you know, blown your mind away when somebody has pulled off, you know, the capture during Black Friday and Cyber Monday?
Any, any, any, anything that jumped out
Dan Goldstein: at you? Yeah. You know, there are, I, [00:18:00] I. I love how just how people are really pushing the envelope when it comes to capture. And you know, this may not necessarily be during BFCM, but actually this was just a couple weeks ago, if not a month ago or so, right before we actually met in Santa Monica.
I think I might have mentioned how there was a beauty brand and this is just one of many, yeah. I remember this examples. Mm-hmm. There's a beauty brand that was looking to drive SMS signups, so just SMS specifically. However, this potentially could be leveraged for email. Mm-hmm. But I'll just use SMS just due to the topic and my role today.
Right. But you know, they're a beauty brand. They wanted to grow their SMS list and they were leveraging a number of different influencers at the time, right? So they're different, different types of influencer marketing. So Instagram TikTok, right? Hey, use code Dan at checkout, get 5% off. You can kind of see where the attribution is coming from.
It's a really classic strategy, whatever. So, however, instead what they did was they gave every single influencer their own [00:19:00] specific text to join Keyword with their name. And they essentially said, Hey, We're gonna run a contest for a month and a half. Whoever gets the most SMS subscribers comes away with, you know, a great prize.
Maybe it was like a full beauty basket or whatever the thing was. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. And we saw that these influencers were leveraging their different types of text, join keywords on their socials, on, you know, their different types of streams on their YouTube videos. And they saw that they, they, they had such an incredible incredibly fast list growth just experience, right?
So their, the list growth experience just absolutely took off. They were seeing all of these different signups coming in from a number of their different influencers, and at the end of the day, they gave every single influencer one of those big beauty packs to just continue to. You know, leverage that going forward and really, you know, show their appreciation for that.
And it was something that I had never seen before. Right. I've only typically seen the, you know, use code, whatever at [00:20:00] checkout. Mm-hmm. So I thought this was really fascinating that you're leaning into your existing Yeah. You know collection of influencers and just giving them a quick little keyword and just letting them go crazy.
I thought it was super cool. That's
Ramin: awesome. That's awesome. And, and other you know, our friends at Gatsby, mm-hmm. Who we've had on the show before, they, they obviously that's their, their area of forte's, you know, really bringing in that influencer marketing. So, you know, I don't know if that necessarily plays a role into this particular, or maybe it does, but, you know, this seems like a brilliant easy to do strategy as long as you have that, you know, as long as you have those influencers, that's obviously an important component to all of this.
But I guess if you don't go use Gatsby and then you will have some influencers, so I think that you know, works well. So let's, let's jump into flows and campaigns and then, you know, Both on the email and the SMS side of things, and then we're, we'll dive into SMS just a little bit deeper because I know that's your area of focus at Klaviyo.
And I really wanna, you know, you know, talk about it because it is so amazing and what's happening in sms, but flows, campaigns, First, let's talk about flows. [00:21:00] You know, just understanding that, you know, if I'm an e-commerce business, I'm already using Klaviyo, let's say, and I've got my, you know, core flows, my welcome, my card abandonment, my or my checkout abandonment, my browser abandonment.
Maybe I've got those working already. Okay? What should I be doing differently with those existing flows during Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Should I be updating them? Should I be changing the look and feel? Should I be speaking differently? Cuz if I'm got people signing up or people leaving the cart, they're gonna get these messages.
What should it look
Dan Goldstein: like? Yeah. So there are a number of different things that I would recommend here, and I think you actually just touched on a lot of them right now, where it's during B F C M, we have to think of it of a totally different time of year, right? We have to adjust a number of different things.
Tips & Tricks - What Should I Do With My Flows During BFCM?
So the first thing I would always recommend when it comes to, you know, you, you're, you're, you're your fab Four flows, right? Your abandon, that's great. I love that. Abandoning car. Yeah. Browse, abandonment, welcome series, whatever it may be. Uhhuh. First [00:22:00] of all, what we wanna do is just take those trigger times mm-hmm.
Down. So whether that is saying, Hey, our typical abandoned car goes out maybe two and a half hour. Hours to four hour when leaves their cart. Mm-hmm. Let's bring that two and a half to four hours down to something like 30 to 45 minutes. Right? Right. And that could be abandoned cart, welcome series, browse, abandonment, anything of that nature.
Let's just bring those flow triggers down at the start. Right? So we wanna make sure in such a competitive time where you know, someone sees one of your cards, right? They're in your website, they're putting something in their cart, and then they get a message from a different company about their abandoned card that they had before they even came on your website.
There's a chance they, you could potentially lose that sale if your trigger is a little too long. So let's just bring those down first of all. Okay. All right. Second of all is we can definitely change up a little bit of our language and a little bit of our verbiage in our flows. So whether that is [00:23:00] making it, you know, the actual verbiage a little bit more, I don't know, holiday centric if you, if you will.
Right. Yeah. So like, you know, if you would do something around Halloween or the holiday times later in December, we can do something similar for Black Friday, cyber Monday. Right. Okay. Really ensuring that our verbiage and our copy is, you know, incentive based. It's fast paced, right. We're just kind of getting to the point.
We're not having a ton of fluff in there. We're just saying who we are, what we have to offer, and how great that offer is. Essentially compared to the rest of the year or anything of that nature. Right? So we're bringing down the flow triggers and we're changing some of our, you know, language and or verbiage to match the actual time period.
Nice. And some other things that we could do are, you know Implementing different types of multichannel or omnichannel strategies when it comes to our flow. So, for example, let's say, and I know that, you know, we're gonna talk about more SMS a little [00:24:00] bit later down the line, but I wouldn't be, you know, an SMS partner manager without mentioning this.
Go for it. If you have, you know, a bunch of email flows going that are really targeted, right? You might be targeting different segments or what have you. Mm-hmm. What we can do is if you're an agency or a brand that maybe you're, you're new to sms, maybe you just got started, maybe, you know, you're just figuring it all out.
Let's also bring in some SMS messages into our flows, leveraging our targeting, right? So if we have an email flow that might say, Hey, I'm gonna send an email to Dan. He just abandoned this cart. You know, he may not have sent that, he may not have opened that many emails prior, but let's just set it instead.
Mm-hmm. Instead of doing that, To someone like me who might not open the next email, what we could do is, oh, Dan has also consented to receive sms. Oh, Dan has opened the last two SMSs We sent him, let's send an SMS message to him instead of sending an email. So what we can do is we can make these flows a little bit more targeted, not only from the segmentation point of view, [00:25:00] but also just from the channel that we want people to see going forward.
So we really are making it more targeted, more personalized. Wow. And kind of just ensuring that we are reaching someone where they want to be reached, especially in such a, you know, high intent to purchase while also high competition timeframe. Wow.
Ramin: Danny, you should really try to bring some more tips to the table.
I mean, seriously,
Dan Goldstein: Hey, I got, I got, they are coming out. My ears got, so I
Ramin: love it. I mean, that is, that is phenomenal knowledge. And again you know, pull it back 30 seconds and listen to it in Slowmo cuz get these tips and write them down. I mean, these are really good. And I will also. Add in there, and I don't know if this is a common practice, but I would set a reminder to change, if you're making copy changes to any of your flows for black Friday, cyber Monday, go back on the 26th, 27, change 'em because nothing like, you know, starting to get flows from a company and you know, the holidays are over.
Or [00:26:00] maybe, you know, January one, I guess, you know, maybe you could also do it then, or January two second because you don't wanna be outdated. You need to move back into, you know, normal business operations in there.
Dan Goldstein: Actually have a quick tip about that. Right. So a quick tip we could do is instead of like, if you don't want to go back and, you know, change everything.
Yeah. What I always recommend is just, hey, duplicate the flows you have Yep. Make sure that they are, you know, properly tagged and named so that, you know, you can just turn 'em on, turn 'em right off right when it's done. No need to worry about, oh, what was my flow trigger time last time? Let's just duplicate even better get 'em done.
Ramin: Yeah. Even better. Because then you can use that same, you know, the same batch of flows, the fab four flows for Black Friday, cyber Monday next year. And you maybe need to, you don't really need to change a whole lot then at that point. That's great. Are there any flows that should be added? You know, if you don't have the Fab four any flows that you should add for Black Friday, cyber Monday?
Or are the Fab four good enough? And you, you, there isn't anything specific for [00:27:00] Black Friday, cyber Monday?
Quick Tip On Duplicating Flows For BFCM Instead Of Turning Them On/Off
Dan Goldstein: Yeah, good question. So I think at, at the very least mm-hmm. Ensure that you have, you know, those Fab four, right? Mm-hmm. Those the welcome series, browser abandonment, abandoned checkout and just really ensuring.
That we have those set and ready to roll. Right? So those are good. On top of that, this is where we're kind of bringing in that extra oomph, right? So whether that is something like a price drop alert, so maybe we have a specific segment of our consumers or our audience, and this is just a very specific example mm-hmm.
That, you know, they've, they've looked at our you know, headset that we have for the last couple weeks or so, and what we could do is during Black Friday, Cyber Monday, we could send that specific segment of that specific product a, you know, price drop notification essentially saying, Hey, this price has dropped from what it was when you last viewed it.
It's almost kind of like a de facto. Abandoned cart, but like later than a typical abandoned cart. So we're kind of saying, Hey, this [00:28:00] price has dropped. Take action now. And this is a really great way to do this SMS specifically, just because of how quickly it is to reach someone's phone, like home screen on their phone, so, mm-hmm.
You know, back in stock alert or price shop alert. That's great. Another great one is something like a back in stock, right? So back in stock alert, you know, let's say during bfcm, someone a pro a product maybe goes outta stock or maybe, you know, there's a little bit of a buffer zone to when someone will be able to buy it again, right?
We can say, Hey, we're gonna send them a back in stock alert just to show them that their favorite product is back. We can use some sort of dynamic image, like we wouldn't have abandoned cart and just say, Hey, like let's take advantage of this. This is back in stock. This might not be here that long. So we're really kind of like creating that type of FOMO when it comes to different types of You know, flows that we can add on top of the fad four.
Mm-hmm. There are a number of different ones here that we could choose from, but I think, you know, price drop back in stock, those are really, really valuable. But of course, on top of that, during [00:29:00] B FFC M mm-hmm. We could also leverage you know, post-purchase nurturing flows, right? Mm-hmm. So we're sending out, you know, thank you for purchasing our product.
Really, really appreciate it. You know, here's a guide on how to care for your product when you get it, or something like you know, transactional notifications. This is something that I could probably have a whole podcast on, but when it comes to SMS transactional notifications, let's ensure that we're, we are, Keeping consumers as stress free as possible.
Mm-hmm. So what that means is just sending them, you know, Hey, your order has been confirmed, whether that's through SMS or email, it doesn't really matter. Sure. Your order has been confirmed. Oh, your order has a, has a, has a packing tag. Oh, your order's on the way. Oh, it's been delivered. These little transactional notifications while they might seem.
Fairly obvious at times. They are a massive, massive driver in ensuring our consumers are having a great customer experience during a time where they might feel stressed with buying so many different gifts or whatever it [00:30:00] may be for family, friends, what have you. So those are just a couple extra no recommendations on top that they can all be triggered, right?
They're all flows, they happen on their own as someone does or does not do
Ramin: an action. That's great. That's great. And we've got you know, our good friends over at wonderment you know, that provide that I think, you know, leveraging wonderment with Klaviyo and, and getting those notifications out there.
And maybe even, you know, something that occurred to me in back in my, you know, online retail days. You know shipping cutoff timeframe, you know in order to get it in time for Christmas. So if you viewed that product and you continue to view it, but you don't take action on it and we know that ground shipping cutoff is, you know, you know, whatever it is maybe the 10th of December and mm-hmm.
Prior to getting it, you know, for Christmas, you should know about that too. You know, you should know this is about to cut off, otherwise you're gonna pay after your shipping fees. Right,
Dan Goldstein: exactly. No, that's a really, really great point. And you know, I you might have seen in our, when I did the roadshow in Santa Monica during our content calendar, we really want to ensure [00:31:00] that even after b F Cm we're sending those different types of campaigns, essentially saying, Hey, You know, last day to ship is X.
Like, let's take advantage. Let's take advantage. Yeah, absolutely. And that is again, a major driver for just, not only just revenue, but also just great customer experience. Sure. Is there, is there anything more or is there anything more valuable than really having your product? In time for the holidays.
Like I feel like at the very least that is like the most important thing is actually having it there. So let's lean into that. Yeah, you don't wanna screw it
Ramin: up. Don't
Dan Goldstein: wanna screw it up. Definitely not. And you don't, and also, you know, as a brand, right, sending out, there are delays, things happen, but Sure.
You know, if you are ahead of the curve in terms of that communication, if something like that happens, it really, really does help the consumer as well. Yeah.
Ramin: Well it's, so you mentioned campaigns and, and yeah, you pres you shared a phenomenal, you know, approach to the campaign calendar, [00:32:00] which, you know, every brand out there, you know, if you're, if you're working with an agency, that agency is no doubt, put together some level of campaign calendar for you in terms of what should be sent out and what shouldn't or when it should be sent out.
Let's talk about, you know, and, and campaigns, you know, anybody who's new, you know, call it a blast. You know, call it, you know, various names. We like to call 'em campaigns, you know, used to announce sales events, you know, other key happenings in your e-commerce business. So, with that said what should brands be doing on the campaign side of things?
We talk about flows. What's, what's campaign? What do they look like and when should they start sending campaigns for Black Friday and
Dan Goldstein: Cyber Monday? Yeah. So, you know, one of my, one of my things whenever I ask one of these road shows is, you know, when, when's the best time to prep right? For B F C F? And I yesterday say, shout it out, and everyone says yesterday, last Bfcm.
It's essentially the same for when you're planning your, at your different types of campaigns. Mm-hmm. As flows, you know, where they're able to be sent automatically.
What Should Brands Be Doing For Campaigns For BFCM
[00:33:00] Campaigns we have to strategically build out. Right. We have to make sure that they are built out long in advance, descending, just because you know, they can be such a lift.
Right. Especially if you're doing an email and SMS campaign at the same time. Mm-hmm. That's a lot of text, that's a lot of qa. Right. There's a lot of things going on there. So what I will say before anything else is when we are creating our campaign strategy for BS c M, let's ensure that we have our different promotions.
So like, you know, our, our different types of dollars off, percentages off, whatever it may be. Let's have those all lined up so we know, hey, do the economics on this look right. All of that great stuff. Let's have all of that done in October. Right? So October, if we can, right? This is, if we can, I'll preface that.
I also run a BS C M crash course for, you know, agencies, brands. Beautiful. That may not get started until, let's say late October, or maybe even early November. But if we can avoid it, let's try and have promotions, you know, content, calendar, copy, [00:34:00] images, assets, creative, right? Let's get that done in mid October so that we have that.
Ready and set. So when we're sending out different types of campaigns, there are so many things you can do here. Right? Especially because Black Friday, cyber Monday, cyber Weekend, whatever it is, mm-hmm. Does not start. On Thanksgiving or does not start on Black Friday, it starts weeks before in terms of making sure our sends are going out to different types or different segments of our audience.
So what we wanna do is we can lean into our s m s subscribers, maybe at the end of October, the early November, giving them like a special treat or maybe like an early, early, early, early defacto access sale, right? Mm-hmm. So we're leaning into that. We're sending them, you know, Hey, you're gonna have first dibs on our B S C M sales.
Here's a first look. Like, get excited, you know, leaning into that as a defacto v i P channel. So that's one campaign. That's good. You [00:35:00] sends, there are campaigns you can send, you know, say at the beginning of November, essentially. Highlighting different types of gift guide. So let's say, Hey, you're a water bottle company, or you sell different types of water bottles, like here's a great gift guide for the active hiker in your life.
Or here's a great gift guide for, you know, the athlete in your life. We can send those at the beginning of November or so just to get our products in the mind of consumers and also see, hey, who's looking at what? Like, let's get that data in. That's good. Let's see. Like we can, so we can further personalize our segments, you know, going forward during PFC m proper.
So gift guides, right? V i p early access sales. You know, we're also including things like like free, free shipping campaigns where it's saying, Hey, you know, Beat the craziness of B F CM by taking advantage of our website now. Right. So that could be mid to right before B [00:36:00] F C M, right? Mm-hmm. We can do that a little bit beforehand, maybe break some of the craziness, especially, especially because as we mentioned at the beginning of this podcast, BFCM is turning into cyber weekend, which is turning into cyber week, which is turning into cyber month.
Yeah. You know, I know Amazon had their very, very early access prime sale sometime last week, and I know that the, you know motto of places like Walmart and Target this year is discount early and often. Mm-hmm. So we can also try and do something like that going forward as a brand. Yeah. But when it actually comes to bfcm, right?
When it actually comes to those types of days, we need to make sure that our campaigns are honing in on the specific day, but not, but also honing in on a specific list that we might be sending to, right? So whether that is a Thanksgiving campaign saying, Hey, you know, hope you're having a great time with your family.
Here's early access to our B F C M sale for everyone. Mm-hmm. Whether that is ensuring that we have some sort [00:37:00] of you know, black Friday morning campaign versus afternoon campaign saying like, Hey, you know, get the first dibs on this. Or, Hey, you know, these are going. These different types of products are going fast today.
Mm-hmm. You know, we can really lean into the different types of days that we have in terms of campaigns and I think that, you know, in terms of how often and early or whatever we might be sending. Mm-hmm. There are a number of different ways to go about this, but what I would say is, especially when it comes to sms, right?
When we're mixing email and SMS together, we might be sending a lot of messages. Mm-hmm. It's okay to pump the brakes on some messages at this time. Right. Okay. While the, you know, while the classic idea of, you know, sending a lot during bfcm still is definitely right and still definitely does work in terms of, hey, high intent to purchase, you know, let's, let's really make sure we're getting our messages out there.
We can do that for email. Fantastic. Right. That's great. Mm-hmm. But when it comes to [00:38:00] sms, we just want to ensure that we are sending the right amount at the right time. So I would say, you know, if you can try not to send more than two a day, that would be great. Okay. However, and of course I can keep going on about this forever, is let's ensure when we're sending to these different, you know, these different types of campaigns, we're not batching blasting.
Right. We we're staying segmented, we're staying in different types of engaged segments. Mm-hmm. And that's where you can actually send more. Per day, right. When we're splitting up the segments and making it more personalized. Yeah, that's great.
Ramin: That's great. Yeah. Yeah. Segments. And, you know, I think that's the fear from some brands, you know am I sending too many you know, what is it, two a day?
But then remembering that it's not, you know, if you don't treat it like everybody's gonna get the same email that you segment your audience, then you're not, you know, you're essentially, you could send many throughout the day. Different people are gonna get different things based on what they told you they like, or what they've liked in the past, [00:39:00] or what they've purchased in the past.
All those Exactly. Things become very important. I mean, you know, and we should do this a, a podcast just on, you know, segmentation because it is the, it is the power behind, you know, email. And this is not to take anything away from email and sms, but if you do segmentation correctly, then you, it's a whole other ballgame.
You're, you know, you, you win at, you win faster at email and SMS if you've segmented your audience. So that's, that's great. Well, tell me, you know you know, and, and, you know, campaigns and flows and, and everybody, you know, really seriously listen, you know, go back and listen to what, what Dan is saying because these are really key points.
If you're doing yourself, great. If you've got an agency ask your agency, you know, I heard this, I heard that to, you know, on a podcast, are we doing those things? Because if you're not, then you know, you're gonna go through this holiday season and your sales may be mediocre. You may be sitting on a lot of inventory, by the way, too, this is a big problem right now.
Brands are sitting on a lot of inventory because there was such a backlog you know, of, of product coming in. And now all of a sudden it's, [00:40:00] you know, influx. Obviously a good reason, probably why that Amazon did what they did. You know, let's get rid of inventory now, right? So take advantage of it. Listen to what Dan is saying, and.
Let's, let's touch on SMS and you know, you're the SMS partner manager, you know, at Klaviyo. This is an area of, you know, absolute passion for you. We've seen SMS take off this year really take off. I mean, it was already there, people were doing it, but you know, and Klaviyo has really leaned into just.
Bringing those two worlds of, you know, email and SMS together. So important, right? We're seeing you know, all of the brands that we work with are like, yes, sms, let's do it. Let's, let's figure it out. But what, you know, what should we be doing differently? And, you know, maybe it's touching on some of the things you've already said, but, you know, how does s m s, how do we leverage it really well during black Friday and Cyber Monday?
And how do we use it to compliment our email marketing efforts?
Dan Goldstein: Great question. And, you know, this is something that we, we just spoke about segmentation. Yeah. But of course, I need to just highlight it again, right? Mm-hmm. The, the best way to really [00:41:00] have a great. SMS strategy is to lean into that segmentation, right?
Mm-hmm. So lean into that data, lean into your different types of segments, lean into your different segment definitions, which, you know, ensure that we're creating different pockets of our audience to send different messages to. And Nice. The best brands, the, the brands that are seeing the most success with SMS are treating SMS again, right?
Like a compliment to their email strategy. Mm-hmm. That's one thing. Mm-hmm. SMS is supposed to supplement email. It's not going to replace it, it's not going to overpower it. We are just building off of each right. So we're having them both be different building blocks. Mm-hmm. And we're leveraging them to just get higher and higher up.
Right. Right. So, The best brands are treating SMS like a more personalized channel. That's another thing, right? So leaning into that segmentation to keep it personalized and make it feel as if, you know, we're texting with a friend, right? Mm-hmm. We're texting with a friend, nice. A family member, a [00:42:00] colleague, whatever it may be.
How To Leverage SMS During BFCM?
We wanna make sure that our verbiage, our copy, the way that we're sending our messages, makes it feel much more personalized instead of saying, Hey, big brand, talking to consumer as just another channel very. You know, similar to email. Mm-hmm. Well, I said that, you know, SMS is supposed to supplement and compliment our email strategy.
It's also not supposed to copy it. Mm-hmm. So it's supposed to be a different channel entirely. Mm-hmm. That still has some of the same characteristics. So what I mean by that is in terms of just the way we would send an SMS abandoned cart versus an email abandoned cart. Right. An email, abandoned cart might have more text, it might have more images, it might have different types of banners and images.
Right. And all this different type of stuff mm-hmm. That you might have to code or what have you with an SMS abandoned cart. We're just getting right to the point we're saying, Hey, this is us. We saw that you had this product. Like, let's, let's go. Like, do you wanna Yeah. Potentially purchase. So we're just ensuring that we're [00:43:00] keeping sms nice, simple, personalized, and segmented.
Right. So we're just keeping those mm-hmm. Segments really, really tight and clean so that when we're sending out these messages, you know, it feels as if the recipients like, oh wow. They really do know. About me. Right. They know what I wanna see. They know what I'm, they know what I've purchased. They know what I might wanna purchase going forward.
Right. Right. And that's such a power of this data. And you know, when it comes to SMS as well, it's just so versatile. It's just so versatile. Right. We're reaching someone really quickly. Right. On their home screen, like I mentioned beforehand, you don't need to dig through an email inbox or anything of that nature.
Mm-hmm. Yeah. But hey, if for some reason we see that Dan is not, like I mentioned before as well, we see Dan's not opening his emails. Mm-hmm. Like we can send him text messages instead. Right. Right. So we're keeping that versatility. We're ensuring that we are. Not mimicking our email strategy, just supplementing it.
Mm-hmm. And we're also just leveraging the fact that it's such a [00:44:00] fast channel to get in contact right. With someone. Let's ensure that we are, you know, right on top of this compared to that if email, it's a little bit quicker. Yeah. Love
Ramin: it. I love it. And, you know, just, you know, given that you're the SMS partner manager, I've gotta ask this question because it always, it, it always intrigues me.
You know, we know that email is not dead. No, we, we reference that book. We ha we know how important it's, but we also know that people are opening up SMS messages within three minutes or so, I believe. I think that's the stat. Mm-hmm. And, and email, you know, two hours sometimes before you get that message.
Is there, do you foresee a time in the future, and this is not specific to Black Friday or Cyber Monday, you see a time in the future where, We're reversing the, the conversation and saying email is such a great compliment to sms. You know, SMS is the forefront. Does that, does, do things change or is it always gonna be in this order where email is first and SMS kind of is helping it move it, moving it along, getting the message out there?
Dan Goldstein: So I think about this a lot. I really do [00:45:00] think about this a lot and I, I really, I really ask myself the same question. It's like, okay, we see that it's becoming a mobile first world. Right? I think we've been saying that for years now. Sure. And just in terms of, you know, different types of targeting and web traffic and, and what have you.
Will SMS Becoming The Main Marketing Channel In The Future?
But when we say that email is still, you know, the king of owned revenue Right, right. The king of owned data, it's still something that is so just. Robustly ingrained into our day-to-day, right? Mm-hmm. You know, you have your personal email inboxes, you have your work email inboxes, right? You have your side hustle, email inboxes, and even though it's something that might be a little bit more, you know, packed and might be a little bit more, I guess you could say, saturated than that of sms, there's still a number of other reasons why email is just so, so powerful.
Right? Right. But in terms of it actually flipping. I'm not entirely sure, and I don't wanna be the person to make that that [00:46:00] prediction uhhuh, but just with the way that it's going, right, I think that we're gonna see just maybe a bit of a shift. I don't know if it's gonna be like a massive paradigm shift in how it works, like mm-hmm.
Whether one is more popular than the other in terms of, you know, supplementing, you know, X to Y. But I think that just with the way that the industry is going, the way that, you know, personal communication is going into a more cookie world, into a world where we're being more personalized and, you know, less bash and blast.
Yeah. I, I think it's entirely reasonable to say that SMS is just con gonna continue to grow and get that market share and Yeah. You know, one of the, I'm not sure if it's. I'm not sure if it's like a blocking factor per se. Mm-hmm. As much anymore, but we just SMS the regulations. Right. So the regulations in terms of compliance and consent and, you know, where can you send SMS messages to Currently right now in Clavia, you can send to us, Canada, uk, Australia, and hopefully [00:47:00] New Zealand, sometime before q4.
That's, mm-hmm. Or sometime before Q1 2023. Mm-hmm. But that's the thing, right? There's still so many nations that Right. Can be unlocked in terms of SMS marketing and SMS messaging that are still, you know, In need of becoming available. So I think that as we see that continue to go and as we continue to see, you know, world more worldwide adoption, just because, you know, there's 3.5 billion people using mm-hmm.
Sms around the world. Amazing. You know, we'll, we'll really see where it goes as it unlocks, but Right. Different regions have different compliance and consent you know, guidelines. So I, I think that, you know, we're gonna be, it's gonna be a much different landscape a year from now than it is now.
Mm-hmm. And then two years from now, who even knows. Right. Yeah. I think it's really, and that's what, that's what's so exciting to me, right. I love being on the forefront of things. I love learning new things. I love working with new technologies. Mm-hmm. And I think it's just so exciting cause like we're all kind of watching it [00:48:00] go as it's being built.
Yeah. Yeah. Super cool. Yeah.
Ramin: And I always think that there's only, you only have one phone number. You can have multiple email addresses, but you have one phone number. True. Thank you. I think
Dan Goldstein: that's true. I, that's the power I'd Hard to steal that one. Yeah. Have
Ramin: to steal that one. That's the power of it. I mean, yes, I know the compliance side is definitely, you know, you have to be cautious and there's certain things, and, you know, platforms like Klaviyo have to, you know, put parameters in place.
And I love that all that's done, because then it doesn't turn into what email was in the, you know late two thousands or maybe mid two thousands where, you know, companies had to get together and try to clean up all the spam that was happening. So we're in a much better place with email than we were back then, but nobody wants SMS to turn into that either.
Right. Tell me, you know, just you, you mentioned a crash course. I love this. You have a crash course out there. And you know, I, I feel like, you know, if, if brands are not paying attention or for some reason, I didn't get the message about Black Friday and Cyber Monday that there is something out there that they can, you know, reference and, and obviously reference this podcast you know, for information.
[00:49:00] But what if I'm a brand? And you know, maybe if that you know, we can put it in the show notes for the crash course if that's something that's readily available out there. But if I'm a brand that, you know, realize oh, I didn't really do what I really should have done after hearing Dan tell me all these things What should they start doing on January one to get ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday next year?
What's the one thing you would say they should do? Is it list, does it start building the list quickly? What is it?
Dan Goldstein: Great question, and I think that, you know, to preface, yes, that crash course should still be available on the Klaviyo Academy, so I'll ensure that we can get that link and have it be in the show notes.
It's just a very quick crash course and hey, leveraging email and SMS actually together. Mm-hmm. There are definitely, I'm still working on a new iteration of this and doing different types of training. So yeah, definitely be on the lookout for that soon, however. Mm-hmm. Let's say, you know, January one rolls around.
BFCM Crash Course - What's The One Thing Merchants Should Do?
2023. You know, a company sits down and they say, Hey, we need to leverage sms, or we need to, you know, be ready for [00:50:00] BS CM next year. What would I say to do? I would say focus on that list growth. Right? So just list growth. I mean, of course you could say, right, like having different types of targeting or leveraging our data that we brought in during B F C M or during the holiday season to be more targeted throughout the year.
I think yes, that's a great thing to do as well and you should, but when it comes to B ffc m, just growing and cleaning that list, right? So it's just growing and ensuring that our lists are clean, right? Yes. Or suppressing profiles that aren't interacting with our different types of messages, whether that's SMS or email, or ensuring that, you know, our list is healthy.
Mm-hmm. We wanna make sure that we have a healthy growth. Opportunity, a healthy growth strategy to ensure that we're not oversend, right. Overspending throughout the year. And when we focus on that growth, we can learn like a number of new data points, right? [00:51:00] As people come into our list, as we see more and more people or users, consumers viewing our products, viewing our site.
As we grow that list and as we see how everything interacts with everything else, mm-hmm. That's when we can just continue to make small little targeted changes throughout the year so that once BS c M does come around again in November or honestly You know, September for a lot of different agencies and brands we're, we're ready to roll, right?
We have a number of different segments within our large audience that we can send to. We can really get granular. Mm-hmm. But yeah, focus on that list growth and focus on, you know, ensuring that you have the right data to send the right messages.
Ramin: Yeah, I mean, Dan, seriously you should just do the mic drop.
Where's your mic? Drop it. I mean, this is like, yeah. This is beautiful. A nice mic by the way. Thank you. This is really, really important information and I guess, you know, we should say the, you know, the recording to recording date is October 17th. If you haven't. Done if you haven't gotten your [00:52:00] act together on the world, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
If you haven't gotten your every your game plan together in the world for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it is not too late. Get going on it now. We'll provide resources in the show notes, you know get in there if, if time passes and you feel like, you know, my strategy wasn't as amazing as I wanted it to be, you know, learn and, and then get, you know, do what Dan said.
Get that list building going January one. You know, let's start building, you know, leverage that traffic that you know, third party data traffic that's coming in. Make it first party data traffic and, you know, ask those questions. Get the, get that information in there. So, amazing, amazing information. I really appreciate it.
To wrap things up would you be open to do a quick little rapid fire questions to of get
Dan Goldstein: to know you even better? Yes. Perfect. This is my favorite. I love this kind of thing. What gets you
Ramin: excited to wake up and tackle the day each and every day?
Dan Goldstein: Just getting better every day. Getting better, getting better and improving.
Ramin: nice. And do you need a drink of choice or do you have a drink of choice [00:53:00] in the morning that gets you going?
Dan Goldstein: Ooh, it's been coffee for a long time, but I've actually been 30 days coffee free. I think actually this weekend, so right now it is water, but you know, just my shout out to my gaming industry.
Yeah. Folks, maybe a little gfu as well. Yeah, it's a little bit of an energy supplement drink that I've you know, been accustomed to a lot of years, but it really, really gets you going
Ramin: in the morning. Nice. We'll put that in a show notes because every e-commerce entrepreneur and business owner needs a little something, and whether it's coffee or something healthier, not to say coffee's not healthy.
Pretty much everybody who's come on the show said coffee and 98% have said black coffee. So you're now the first who said, I'm 30 days free of coffee. So, very nice. Very nice. If there was a job, one job besides the one you're doing today, what would you do?
Dan Goldstein: Oh man, that's really difficult. I mean, I think the let's, let's, you know, honestly, I think eSports professional, honestly, just like being a pro player, right?
Going around traveling. But if we don't want to [00:54:00] go the route of things that I have done or have been associated with, I mean, I gotta say astronaut, I think that's, that's kinda like, you know, how could you not wanna go? I mean, I guess I know why people wouldn't wanna go to space, but like, I think that would be so cool, right?
Ramin: It's just so Yeah. That's, that's awesome. Dan. I don't even like to get on an airplane. All right. I don't, I'm not, I'm not gonna space, but you go to space, tell us how it is. And if it's once it's really super safe, then I'm gonna go, okay. Of course. That's awesome. On your phone or on your, on your laptop what's the go-to app or software?
The one you just can't live without. You check it every day, multiple times a day.
Dan Goldstein: I mean, I think Slack is the number one for me right now. Yeah. I love Slack. I've loved Slack for years. Been using it for years. I gotta check Slack all the time. But if it's not Slack, and I'm actually kind of just stalling right now to see which one I would actually say, if it's not Slack, it's not my calendar.
It's not my inbox. Ooh, I gotta go with Notion. Notion. Oh, I [00:55:00] love Notion. It's a fantastic planning tool. I use it for all of my different courses or all my different trainings, whatever it is. Wow. Fantastic tool that
Ramin: is Notion continues to come up in this for this very question right here. Yeah. Everybody loves, everybody loves Notion.
I'm still trying to get my head around notion. There's so much to it. Yes, you can do so many different things. If you could give yourself one talent that you currently do not have, what would it be?
Dan Goldstein: Singing? Honestly, I've always wished I could sing. I always have wished I could sing. I'm gonna go with singing.
Ramin: It's not too late, Dan.
Dan Goldstein: I don't know. I've tried. We'll have to see. I'll come back next time with a, with a status report. All right. Awesome.
Ramin: Awesome. All right, so this is, this is the one I always love this question. What's your favorite online store and why?
Dan Goldstein: Oh, man. What's my favorite online store and why?
This is difficult because I love online stores, right? I love online stores. I love buying online. [00:56:00] Oh, if I gotta go with one, this is so hard. I kind of wish I had a, a heads up on this one so I could go through. Oh man. Let's see. I mean, when I think about it, there's this one store called, and I haven't really bought a lot from them, but I have in the past, it's this brand called Judy.
They make this emergency like disaster prepared readiness. Oh wow. Type These different types of products, and I don't know what it is, but I just love their online experience. It's just like, I, I really like how they have their signup forms. I really just like how I love the bright orange. I don't know, it's just really
Ramin: have it up on the screen right now.
Dan Goldstein: Yeah. I don't know what it's, I've always really loved their site. You know, I love their different types of graphics and, you know, this is something that I've always been like maybe five steps away from being some sort of prepper. Right. You know, like drive a 4runner Right. Have like the outdoor skills, things of that nature.
But I love this website. I think it's [00:57:00] really, really well done. Makes it really easy to be a consumer, which I think is really important for different types of websites. And this is one that like I just always come back to. I just love it. I just think it's, do they use Klaviyo? They do use Klaviyo? Yes, they do.
And I know that they've worked with oh, I can't remember the age agency. It might be Sharma Brands. Oh, okay. But they essentially just have such a great, like, online experience for me, and this is something that I can remember and I haven't bought anything from them in ages. Yeah, it's, it's a good looking
Ramin: site and I am sure my business partner, who is also much like you, he's probably already made a purchase watching this stuff.
He's, he's, he's, he's ready to go. He, he's like you. He probably, you know always prepared. You never know what is going to
Dan Goldstein: happen. Always prepared, and that's the thing. It's like I. You know, I'm, I'm out here in like Central Massachusetts, Rio, away from the city. You know, we have horses on that side, goats on this side.
You know, we're growing, watch out on plants and [00:58:00] things. Oh, I know, I know. Our dog is not a huge goat fan, but Right. It's like, I don't know. I just, I like being able to be one with a nature. Or whatever. Yeah, if, if need be, if my internet goes out, I I love it. I love it. Well,
Ramin: Dan, thank you very, very much. I mean just incredible know knowledge, incredible information.
You know, I'll be listening to this several times and I hope others on the replay will. And we're gonna cut this up and put all the different tips and, you know, tricks that you provided into little, small, mini, you know mini files and mini, and push 'em out through social, make sure everybody gets to hear all the different things.
So again, I think to say it's not too late you know, attack black Friday and Cyber Monday, you know as if your, you know, annual sales depend on it, which maybe they do, maybe they don't, if you're a brand. But really get in there and maybe just take a moment, Dan and let everybody know where they can find out about Klaviyo.
We're gonna include everything obviously that you mentioned today in the show notes and then a little bit about your, you know, where they can find you if they need to reach out to you. Yeah, yeah. [00:59:00]
Dan Goldstein: So, you know, again, I'll, I'll, I'll say it again. It's not too late, it's not too late. Even though it's mid-October, there is still time you can get after it and make a strategy and really, really do well.
But once again you know, this is I'm Dan Goldstein from Klaviyo, just Klaviyo.com. K L A V I Y o.com. You know, all of your, your e-commerce data, email marketing, s m s marketing and a number of other different things coming soon, you're your your one stop platform, right? And we want to ensure that everyone can leverage their own data, leverage their own, you know, revenue channels.
To grow your business and have that, you know, healthy growth. If you wanna find me I am kind of all over the place, but probably one of the best places you can find me is actually on Twitter. That is just Goldstein, you know, my last name, G L D S T E I n, underscore dg. You can find me there. That's kind of where I, you know, have all of [01:00:00] my SMS and or marketing and nice eSports rambles, of course, with the Patriots involved now that it's football season.
Oh yeah. Look at you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that's where you can find me. You know, I'm gonna definitely have a lot more content coming out about sms, email, all of that fun stuff. But once again, you know, Dan from Klaviyo. Really, really enjoy being here. Nice. And I'm so, so happy. Thank you. To be talking about this with you.
Yeah. Great conversation.
Ramin: And reach out to Dan on and, and follow him on Twitter and you know, get, get his follow him on LinkedIn and follow him everywhere that he is and find him because he's putting out great content, great information. We'll make sure we link to everything. Dan, thank you again.
I hope you have a fantastic week. Love starting the week off with this amazing podcast. So I hope you enjoy yourself, keep putting that knowledge out there. And thank you again for coming on today.
Dan Goldstein: Awesome. Thank you guys so much. Have a great rest of your week. Yeah,
Ramin: absolutely. All right. That brings us to the end of another episode of the E-Commerce Revolution podcast.
Don't forget to check our past episodes. They're all up on [01:01:00] YouTube. They're on our website, SKU Agency dot com as well as wherever you listen to your audio podcast. As always, if you need any help with your email and s m s marketing, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Hello, h e L l o, SKU Agency dot com.
Mention this podcast and we'll hook you up with the free email and SMS strategy review for your e-commerce business, which is valued at over $850. And thank you very much everybody for tuning in today. Have a great week. See ya.
Michael Kurson: You know, Klaviyo attributed value. I think our cost structure is a really important thing to note as well. Mm-hmm. So we're month to month, we don't have any base fees in Klaviyo. You can actually go on your computer right now and sign up for a Klaviyo account for free and integrate Commerce. Seven. The cost of the Commerce seven integration, at least at the time of this recording, is through Bodie.
It's $50 the same as MailChimp, right. So from a cost perspective, you don't have to make a massive investment. To be [01:02:00] able to see your data in Kaviyo and see if it's gonna make sense for your winery right? On top of that we're month to month so there's no contracts involved to pay through a credit card.
This is an easy product to try out and see if it's gonna work for you.
Throughout this podcast, we've uncovered a treasure trove of tips and tricks to help you make the most of this high-stakes shopping weekend. From engaging your audience to building anticipation and ultimately driving conversions, email and SMS marketing can be game-changers for your brand. By incorporating these strategies, you can boost your BFCM sales and achieve unprecedented success.
As you gear up for the shopping frenzy, remember to leverage the power of email and SMS marketing alongside your other promotional efforts. Craft compelling messages, personalize your campaigns, and ensure your communication resonates with your target audience. Don't overlook the opportunity to connect with customers directly and drive them towards making purchases.